— Bring together the world's political leaders, innovators, experts by experience, policy makers and civil society to share the most effective and innovative approaches to mental health and psychosocial disabilities.
— Build momentum on global mental health issues such as early intervention, public health, research, tackling stigma, and promoting access to evidence-based services.
— Agree a global declaration committing to political leadership on mental health.
— Create a legacy, with future summits being held annually, driving global action.
When we look at its extraordinary prevalence, its impact on people’s lives, and its effect on lost economic output, it is clear that mental health is fast becoming one of the defining global health challenges of the 21st century. We are encouraged that global interest and focus on mental health have been increasing, and believe the time is right for coordinated action by international leaders to raise this issue even higher up the agenda.
The Summit, held on Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10 October 2018 in central London, brought together political leaders, innovators, experts-by-experience, policy makers and civil society to share the most effective and innovative approaches to mental health and psychosocial disabilities. The Summit hosted six workstreams to showcase innovations from across the globe and work to develop consensus statements to be delivered to political leaders. The workstreams were:
- Children, Young People and the Now Generation
- Caring Societies: creating the conditions for inclusion, prevention and wellbeing
- The Economics of, and Investment in, Mental Health Finance
- A Just Society: supporting societal shifts, tackling stigma and discrimination, creating inclusive societies
- Mental Health Services around the World
- Research and the Future of Mental Health
The Summit also hosted the launch of the landmark Lancet Commission on Global Mental Health and Sustainable Development, the seminal synthesis of knowledge of how to promote mental wellbeing, prevent mental health problems and enable recovery. It outlines a blueprint for action on mental health to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The Commission marks a milestone – that of global knowledge of mental health crossing the threshold necessary to accelerate worldwide action on this issue.
Visit the Commission website: www.globalmentalhealthcommission.org
Read the Report: www.thelancet.com/commissions/global-mental-health
The Summit has been the next step in a journey to a new level of co-operation so that we can improve mental health around the world, working to secure the agreement of a political declaration to drive international action on mental health.
Tuesday 9 October:
- 09:00Arrival time
- 10:00Opening Remarks
- 10:30Spotlight One – From Philadelphia to the World
- Arthur Evans, former Commissioner of the Department of Behavioural Health and Intellectual disAbility Services, Philadelphia, American Psychological Association, United States
- 11:00Workstream Session Part 1
- 12:30Lunch Break
- 12:40OECD Panel: Children and Young People in the Digital Age
- 14:00Spotlight Two – In Conversation with Matt Haig
- Matt Haig, Author
- Sue Baker, Director, Time to Change
- 14:40Workstream Session Part 2Same rooms as for Part 1
- 16:10Coffee Break
- 16:30Question TimeQ&A session on the themes of the Summit
- Alastair Campbell, Broadcaster and Author
- 18:00Closing Address
- Richard Curtis CBE, Vice Chair, Comic Relief
- Francesca Colombo, Head of Health Division, OECD
- 18:30Embark to Reception (London Eye Pier)
- 19:00Evening Reception
Wednesday 10 October:
- 09:00Arrival Time
- 10:30Opening RemarksLaunch of Time to Change Global film, It's time to talk (about mental health)
- Rt Hon Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
- Mark Pearson, Deputy-Director for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs (ELS), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- Dr Svetlana Akselrod, Assistant Director-General for Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health, WHO
- 11:00The Lancet Commission LaunchModerator: Richard Horton
- Vikram Patel, Co-Chair, Lancet Commission: The Pershing Square, Professor of Global Health, Harvard Medical School
- Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Health, Canada
- Helen Herrman, President, World Psychiatric Association and WHO Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, Melbourne
- Charlene Sunkel, Program Manager: Advocacy and Development, SA Federation for Mental Health
- Grace Gatera, Representative, Young Leaders for the Lancet Commission
- 11:50Coffee Break
- 12:20Ministerial Reflections on the Recommendations
- 13:00Closing Remarks
- 13:15Networking Lunch
The Economics of, and Investment in, Mental Health:
The WHO estimates that mental health conditions will soon account for 15% of the ‘global disease burden’. Mental health conditions are also the leading cause of lost economic output, with a projected cost to the global community of US$6 trillion by 2030. In this context, the workshop will consider global approaches to financing mental health services; empower communities, and other innovative approaches.
Children, Young People and the Now Generation:
When discussing mental health or psycho-social disability we know that early intervention is key, we also know that experiences in childhood can have significant impact in later life. This workshop will consider childhood adversity and early intervention; it will look at how best to prevent mental health conditions in the first instance and support those with early symptoms to avoid those escalating. This workshop will also look at how much more we need to do for young people today, and ask whether technology is a source of help, or harm.
Research and the Future of Mental Health:
The importance of research in taking mental health care to the next level cannot be overstated. Evidence-based innovation is crucial, if we are to tackle this defining challenge of the 21st century. This workshop will look at how best to support discovery in mental health research, but also how to ensure that research maintains a link with those with experts-by-experience.
Caring Societies: creating the conditions for inclusion, prevention and wellbeing:
This workshop will showcase actions that have made a difference to a population’s mental health in two important and linked ways. Firstly, through creating the conditions that enable people living with, and recovering from, mental ill health to thrive. Secondly, by promoting good mental health and preventing mental ill health and suicide by taking action at a population level to address risk and protective factors and the social determinants of mental ill health.
A Just Society: supporting societal shifts, tackling stigma and discrimination, creating inclusive societies:
Social stigma and discrimination persist in all countries and the impact of this can be both social and financial. This workshop will look at a broad range of new approaches to shifting cultural norms to empower those with mental health conditions or psycho-social disability and encourage healthier approaches to mental health through societal change.
Mental Health Services around the World:
This workshop will consider evidence-based treatments for serious mental health conditions, innovations in mental health treatment, and the policies that could be put in place and how best to respond to humanitarian emergencies.
Speak out, Share and Follow us:
- Speak out about what action you think should be taken for mental health using #theworldneeds
- Share your experiences from the Summit using #GlobalMHSummit
- Follow us on Instagram @GlobalMHSummit
If you would like to contact the Department of Health and Social Care with an enquiry, please use the regular contact form here: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-of-health-and-social-care
If you are a member of the media please use regular contact details which can be found here: https://healthmedia.blog.gov.uk/contact/